What is Folic Acid?


Folic acid is defined as one of the B-vitamin complexes the body requires in low amounts to function and maintain health. To better understand folic acid, it is essential to know the difference between folate and folic acid. Although many people use the terms folate and folic acid interchangeably, they refer to different things. Folate is known as a metabolically active and naturally occurring B9 vitamin, whereas folic acid is defined as a synthetic form of this vitamin.

 What is Folic Acid?

Serving as a coenzyme, folate helps other enzymes in the body carry out their functions. Additionally, when folate enters the digestive system, it transforms into active B9 vitamins, whereas the situation is a bit different with folic acid. Before the body begins to utilize folic acid, it converts this compound into L-methylfolate, an active form of folate. This conversion process takes place in the liver and other tissues before folic acid enters the bloodstream.

While there may be slight nuances in the medical definitions of folate and folic acid, both serve the same purpose. Therefore, individuals using folic acid and those using folate experience the same benefits in their bodies.

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